What gets graded in the Gold Compass Membership?
Subscribers to our Gold Membership can request grading for select assignments in any course in the Compass Membership. They can do this for every student in their Family Sharing Dashboard. For more information or to request gradebooks for your account, send us a note.
Here's how it works:
- For each course, we selected key assignments (or portions thereof) that should provide an essential snapshot of your student's grasp of the material. The list for each course is below.
- These are entirely optional. We only grade what your student submits. There are no grade deductions for missing work. Want to focus on just the exam questions and not the lab reports in Biology? No problem—ignore the lab assignments.
- Submit work on your own timeline. The dates of each assignment in the gradebook are just to keep things ordered chronologically within the course. Need an extra week for that American History portfolio? No problem. We'll mark it when it gets submitted, without a late deduction.
We've designed the service to be flexible for each homeschooling family. The assignments currently being graded for each course are listed below:
American Literature
- Journal/notebook for each lesson's reading
- Short compositions (about 1 every 2 books)
- Thesis paper from statement, to outline, to draft
British & World Lit
- 6 papers
Calculus for Everyone
- Select study questions from each lesson
- Select problems from each exercise set
Creation Science
- Weekly quizzes
- 1 project/essay from every other lesson
Creative Writing
- 1 writing example from the weekly assignments
Devotional Biology
- 5 questions from each chapter test
- Lab reports (a written lab report for each lab following standard lab report format)
Economics for Everybody
- Weekly short answer questions
Filmmaking for the First Directors
- Weekly short films
General Science
- Module tests
- Selected written lab report
Grammar For Writers
- Weekly quizzes
Grammar of Poetry
- 3 activities
Histories (American, Antiquity, Christendom, & Modernity)
- Weekly portfolio
- 3-4 exam questions per week
- All projects
How Should We Then Live?
- Weekly quizzes
- 1-2 essay questions per week
Middle School Literature
- 7 papers
Physical Science
- Module tests
- Selected written lab report
Strange New World
- Weekly quizzes
- 1-2 essay questions per week
The Story of Great Music
- Weekly quizzes
- 1 project/essay from every other week
Understanding the Old Testament
- Weekly selection from class notes
Visual Latin 1 & 2
- 4-6 questions from each lesson’s Worksheet B
- Weekly quizzes
Word Up! Vol. 1, 2, & 3
- Quizlet vocabulary tests from each lesson
Do you want to add grading to your Membership? Upgrade to Gold today!